

Welcome to Troop 57 !

Welcome to Troop 57's website!!

Troop 57 has begun its fourth year of existence and has grown in membership during this time period. We have had two scouts earn the Eagle Scout award, and we have more that are getting close to earning their Eagle Scout award. We hope this website will keep you informed and up to date with the Troop's happenings. Please check out the website on a regular basis, and look at the calendar of activities that are planned.

The Troop meets at 7pm Monday evenings at Atascocita Methodist Church (AMC) in the Life Center. AMC is located at: 19325 Pinehurst Trail Dr. - Humble,TX 77346

If you are interested in joining the troop, click on the "About Us" and there is a link to register for our Troop.

We are proud to announce we will be initiating a flag program this year!!

Note : Subscriptions are limited to the following subdivisions: Atasocita West, River Grove, Woodland Lakes, Atascocita South, and Atasca Woods

BSA Troop 57, 19325 Pinehurst Trail Drive, Humble, Texas 77346

For questions concerning our flag program contact our Flag Hotline at 281-978-5613 - we will monitor this line for service delivery issues on flag placement days. Please find our subscription form below.

ScoutsBSAFlagFlyersT572022.pdf182.53 KB

Reminder - please register for calendar events!!

Posted on Feb 4 2023 - 3:36pm

The following is an explanation of how to register or sign-up your scout for troop outings and receive consent forms.

This is the only acceptable method to register. Email or verbal sign-ups will not be accepted. Please help the volunteers who lead this troop by doing you part and indicating whether your scout will be attending or not.

Summer Camp Update - payment due Monday Jan 30th for the lowest price

Posted on Jan 28 2023 - 3:49pm

Reminder - please get signed up and take advantage of the lower price by paying at the Monday Troop Meeting.

We are signed up to attend suummer camp in New Mexico. This is the troops third attempt to attend this camp, so hopefully, as they say, "The third time is a charm" and we will make it to camp this year!! Come enjoy some cool mountain weather and have a great time. Additional details are on the event registration page.

Merit Badge Days at the Council Office

Posted on Jan 10 2023 - 2:07pm

Scouts, there are multiple Merit Badge Days taking place at the Council office (2225 N Loop West) this year. See the link below for more details and to register for these merit badge classes. These opportunities are for you to participate in by yourself or ask one of your scout friends to attend with you.

Scouting at AUMC - Changes are coming

Posted on Oct 23 2022 - 9:19am

Good day scouters,

This is going to be a lengthy notice and I apologize but there is a need to discuss our future as Scouters at Atascocita United Methodist Church. I will need to give you some background information to make everything clear going forward.

Pulling the Troop trailer - HELP NEEDED!!!

Posted on Sep 6 2022 - 7:32pm


We STILL NEED to find adults who can pull the trailer on our troop campouts. No one has signed for any future events. The trailer carries all of the gear and supplies that the troop needs to use on our campouts and without an adult pulling the trailer for us on campouts, it makes it next to impossible to attend the weekend camping events.

Troop 57 Annual Calendar

Posted on Jul 26 2022 - 7:33pm

Attached is the Troop 57 Annual Calendar that was recently completed at the annual planning meeting. Most of these events are listed on the Troop's website so you can get registered (of if you know you will not be able to attend, please also complete the process and select that you will NOT be attending).

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